Funny story, did you know that the Discourse TOS say that all legal disagreements are to be governed by the laws of California, and that three Arbitrators in California are supposed to be appointed in such a dispute?
Do we have any (legal) connections to California (or anywhere else)?
I’ve read the TOS. I’m one of those odd individuals that actually reads TOS on the web… This one seems to be pretty standard stuff. “California” was the only surprising part of it.
General advice online says that we should have a TOS to:
be “covered” (like insurance)
say what is/isn’t allowed/acceptable
everybody has it
Yoda said “Good idea it is”
OK, so I made the Yoda reason up. I doubt we’ll ever go to trial, so we’d probably be okay without it. Then again, maybe having a TOS sends a signal to potential community members: “Hey, they’re legit with a TOS and everything!” Maybe it would make us look more ‘professional’ to have one?