[WIKI] List of Neos/Flow Docker images

This is a list of maintained and working Docker images for Neos/Flow projects.

Neos/Flow base images:

  • ttree/flowapp — Based on Alpine, Caddy server + php-fpm, versions with composer and cron-task support.
  • dimaip/docker-neos-alpine — Based on Alpine with nginx + php-fpm 7.1 + s6 process manager, packing everything needed for development and production usage of Neos in under 70mb.

Related images:

  • nikdro/elasticsearch-neos — Provides an ElasticSearch instance (Version 2) preconfigured for the Neos Package Flowpack.ElasticSearch.ContentRepository (with Elastic HQ pre-installed)

Please list your own Neos Docker images in the reply to this post below providing a docker image name, url and a short description, we will update this list accordingly.


Not really a Flow or Neos image, but:

This image provides a ElasticSearch instance (Version 2) preconfigured for the Neos Package Flowpack.ElasticSearch.ContentRepository (with Elastic HQ pre-installed)


Same here. Not really a neos/flow image. Mainly a development setup: https://github.com/egobude/docker-project-template

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I did start with the https://github.com/million12/docker-typo3-neos image, which I consider to be great work, but personally I was a bit overwhelmed with the featureset, auto-setup, etc.
(As I was and still am learning I do prefer to do some steps manually even if it costs a bit more time)

Currently I use:
PHP "zeroboh/php:7.1-fpm-alpine"
nginx: "zeroboh/nginx:1.11-alpine"
redis: "zeroboh/redis:3.2-alpine"
mariadb: “zeroboh/mariadb:10.1-debian-jessie”

I did create my docker-compose file according to a suggestion in the #guild-docker slack channel, but honestly I’m sorry to say I don’t remember which image it was based on (I guess Stolle or Dmitri recommended it)

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Just to mention here, I’ve been using M12’s images for years, but unfortunately they seem to be no longer maintained and have issues, so I don’t recommend to use them anymore.

Our docker base image: