Package Renaming

Member: @daniellienert, @stolle, @mgoldbeck
Status 1.11.:
- preperations are done
- will be done on the sprint in HH
- The product name change to Fusion
Status 1.11.:
- Will be done on the sprint after the package rename thing
- Rename Neos.ContentRepository
- All related packages (search) should replace TYPO3CR → ContentRepository
- NodeType naming
- Nodes, all related resources
Status 1.11.:
- Will be done on the sprint after the package rename thing
- The adapter is name Neos.FluidAdapter
Status 1.11.:
- Ready for review
- Should be merged asap
- Neos.Kickstarter
- Neos.SiteKickstarter
Status 1.11.:
- Will be done on the sprint after the package rename thing at the sprint
Generic Namespace
- Remove all mentions to TYPO3 in all namespace
- Fine with Neos.Neos (only for Neos CMS package)
- Rename all full namespace with short one → Class::class
- Prepare the change in a single PR, take care of other open PR (ping user to rebase)
Status 1.11.:
- Will be done on the sprint after the package rename thing
- Release package with the replace feature correctly configured
Status 1.11.:
- Will be done on the sprint after the package rename thing
Remove deprecated code

Member: @christianm @radmiraal
- Cleanup the code base
- Mark the change as breaking
Status 1.11.:
- Need more support
Slim down the API
Member: @dfeyer
Remove @api from
- Lock
Status 1.11.:
- No progress yet
Status 1.11.:
- PR (rdy to review @christianm or is something missing)
Member: RMs
- Branch late, like it is now
- Marketing (splash screen, logo, website, brand) @fheinze
Documentation (team effort)
Continue to support node outside of /sites (metadata, assets, …) @daniellienert
Fluid Standalone (review) @christianm / @bwaidelich
Deliver an MVP of the React UI (alpha) @sebastian @inkdpixels @wbehncke @mgoldbeck @dimaip
Media Improvement @sebobo
- CQRS infrastructure packages (alpha/beta) @dfeyer @bwaidelich @robert
Resource for PHP7 compatibility
Member: shared effort (code sprint)
Resource and Object will be reserved keyword for PHP ~7.2
Check: Renaming Flow core classes Resource and Object
Raw brain dump of the discussion
- !!! Breaking Release
- Change how RM need to work ?
- More organization / sync
- Less do/code
- More responsibility on team/people
- Namespace Renaming
- Product Renaming
- TypoScript → Fusion
- Remove deprecated code
- Slim down the API
- Remove @api from some places
- Merge all pending PR marked as next major
- Release
- Date: december 2016
- Version: Neos 3.0 / Flow 4.0
- Release manager:
- Johannes Steu
- Robert Lemke
- Let’s see, but not depends on
- CQRS / New Content Repository
- React, mvp/alpha version in parallel with the current UI